prosperity2 annonceThe last PROSPERITY seminar was held on April 17, 2019, jointly with the SUMPs-UP project. It was organized in the Conference Hall of the Municipality of Varna with the participation of representatives of municipalities from northeastern Bulgaria, TCC-Dobrich, NGOs and guests from the municipal administration of Santa Monica, California.

The Americans were visiting Varna in the framework of the IUC project for Co-operation of European Cities and North America.

The lecturer Mr. T.Durlin from CEREMA presented the French experience in the SUMP and comparedit the situation of the urban planning in Bulgaria and the contribution of the PROSPERITY project. Changes in the future version of SUMP 2.0 were also discussed and will be officially presented at this year's SUMP Conference in Groningen, the Netherlands.

CSDCS invited all participants to a business lunch at the restaurant of the municipality.

За повече информация: For more information: Photos, Invitation and Program, Presentations and Materials

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