In the last week of March 2018 two discussion meetings of the project staff with stakeholders were held in Varna Regional Administration premises.
The first meeting took place on 28th with the mayors and municipal experts. They discussed and approved the proposed mobility measures including introduction of FTS in their municipalities and some supplementary texts introducing the notion of mobility and FTS in the regional Plan for NE region 2014-20.
The second meeting was conducted in the frames of the regional council on 30th of March. The proposed by CSDCS amendments and the supplementary projects containing mobility measures were approved and voted by the councils’ members. They will be proposed for approval at the regional Council of NE region in June 2018.
For more information: Pictures, Invtations and Agenda, Presentation, Meeting of the Regional Development Council
Invitation of the District Governor
Invitation of the Club "Sustainable Development of Civil Society"
Meeting of the Regional Development Council