The forth MLW on BUMP was conducted in Dortmund technical university on 19-20.11.2014.
The forth MLW on BUMP was conducted in Dortmund technical university on 19-20.11.2014.
The third MLW on BUMP was conducted in REC-Szentendre, Hungary on 5-6 Nov. 2014.
The 4th meeting of the project partners on BUMP was conducted on 22.10.2014 in the Hotel “Hemus” Conference centre in Sofia.
The Second MLW on BUMP was conducted in Sofia in Hotel “Hemus” Conference centre on 20-21 October 2014.
The First MLW on BUMP was conducted in Trieste, Italy in the AREA premises on 24-24 Sept. 2014.
The Third PP-meeting on BUMP took place in Alba Iulia – Romania.