bump pleven annonceThe final training followed by a huge dissemination event on BUMP was conducted in Pleven on 12-13.03.2015 together with the national Association of the Municipalities in Bulgaria.

Mrs C. Tsacheva – the Chair Lady of the Parliament had an opening speech, as well as the Mayor of Pleven, who emphasized on the achievements in the transport and mobility area in the hosting city. 

The BUMP-target municipalities shared their experience gained during the MLW and their work with the coaches. Representatives of more than 100 municipalities were informed about the BUMP progress and discussed with the CSDCS team the possibilities for further support in developing of their SUMP.

For more info: 

Warning: No images in specified directory. Please check the directory! Debug: specified directory - http://www.csdcs.org/02.projects/21.bump/pleven/gallery

Presentation of SUMP


Program of the meeting
