CSDCS representatives participated in the CIVITAS Forum 2017, organized in Torres Vedras, Portugal on 27-29/09.
CSDCS representatives participated in the CIVITAS Forum 2017, organized in Torres Vedras, Portugal on 27-29/09.
The Agency, in close cooperation with the Maltese Presidency of the EU Council, invited stakeholders to the high-level symposium 'Is Europe doing enough to protect fundamental rights?' where fundamental rights issues that are currently high on the EU’s political agenda were discussed.
The representatives of CSDCS Maria Stoycheva and Daniel Dimitrov participated in a training session of the European Green Public Procurement Network, which took place on 20 June 2017 in EC - DG Environment, Brussels.
Club "Sustainable Development of Civil Society" find a place in the first issue of the electronic journal of the European Network of NGOs for "green" procurement (The European NGO Network on Green Public Procurement) under the heading "NGO IN THE SPOTLIGHT".