CSDCS in EU NGO Network on GPP Newsletter #1

gpp annonceClub "Sustainable Development of Civil Society" find a place in the first issue of the electronic journal of the European Network of NGOs for "green" procurement (The European NGO Network on Green Public Procurement) under the heading "NGO IN THE SPOTLIGHT".

Environmental NGOs have knowledge and experience with many of the environmental issues addressed by GPP criteria, such as hazardous substances, waste management, energy efficiency etc, and therefore represent vital stakeholders when promoting GPP. To make it easier for NGOs to work with public procurers to enhance GPP uptake, a network was established in 2016 with the support of the European Commission.


The objective of the NGO Network is to increase the uptake of GPP through the EU by building NGO capacity to support public authorities.

Club "Sustainable Development of Civil Society" became a member of the network in January 2017 (see the news in the web site http://www.csdcs.org/index.php/en/news-en/486-csdcs-became-a-member-of-gpp ).

It is planned some trainings and activities to acquire knowledge and promote green procurement in Bulgaria. This will be done through the network of ENDURANCE, which disseminates information and encourages sustainable mobility among municipalities, public authorities, businesses, and NGOs. The aim is that network to be used for a large national campaign for green public procurement.

You can read the EU NGO Network on GPP Newsletter #1 here.


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