Club SDCS is included as a supportive partner in the project ENLARGE

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ENLARGE is a two-year project focused on sustainable energy and energy efficiency, which is funded by the Horizon 2020 programme and explores existing models of participatory governance.

More specifically, we are interested in understanding how different participatory tools and mechanisms favour (or not) social legitimacy, effectiveness, and sustainability within the context of energy policies. This will be done by bringing together theoretical knowledge and on-the-ground experiences.

The key outcome will be an interactive book for raising awareness among public administrators and stakeholders about alternative scenarios based on concrete experiences and pragmatic examples.


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The project ENLARGE is extending its circle by welcoming 12 new supporting partners:

Young Intellectuals, Hope, Albania
Strategic and Security Studies Group, Albania
Club "Sustainable Development Of Civil Society", Bulgaria
Municipality of Chios, Greece
Unione dei Comuni Montiferru, Italy
Associazione NordEstSudOvest, Italy
Agenda 21 Est Ticino, Italy
Municipality of la Palma de Condado, Spain
Zavot Boter, Slovenia
Universitat Jaume, Spain
K-GEM, Turkey
Nature’s Rights, United Kingdom


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